Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This blog is basically going to be dedicated to a whole world of things that I look at sarcatically. Most of the time I'm going to aim for things that ALL people can understand, but today I need to look at the people at the Clinc who are idiots.....well some of them

At my methadone clinic when you get there alot of the times there is a line. When the line gets longer than 5 or 6 people one of the people is bound to start freaking out. Now I can understand people getting mad when the line isn't moving and theres no good reason other than the lady that despenses the methadone wanted a snack from the snack machines in the lobby. Waiting in a line so someone can munch on a Snickers bar does annoy me. Theres not reason to go get a snack from the snack machine when there is a line in the lobbt that goes all the way back to the same snack machine. Eat when its slow, or when you get off of work, the latest that you depense methadone is 10:15, so just be patient. But the people who annoy me are the ones who start acting like if they don't get to the front of the line NOW by the time they get up there, all the methadone will be gone. Like they are standing in line at a ticket counter and there might not be any thing avaliable when they get up there, or maybe only row ZZZ seat XXX with OBSTRUC VIEW on the ticket, but come on we are in the clinic. They have bottles upon bottles of the shit. They aren't going to run out. Unless you see a comotion up at the counter where someone busts out a gun and robs the clinic, you don't have anything to worry about. That guy that had to drop and then see his therapist and then talk to the doctor has been here for an hour already, nothing is going to happen to your dose if someone lets him in front. Honestly theres no reason to start yelling of someone doesn't move up in the line, why are you even angry about that? There isn't any invisable people in that big space that the person has made from not moving up. No one is going to walk in and say "Oh look they left a spot open for me, screw all the people behind me" I know that you're impaient and yes, its annoying to go through that whole process day after day after day, but think about it, in all of those days has anything bad ever happened when the girl who got pushed and flew into a door because someone shoved someone into her gets angry and decides that seeing she got shoved into the door right in front of the dosing window she'll just dose and leave. Come on she just flew about 14 feet and hit her head into the damn door, let her get in frony of the line. And that brings up another thing, the person who is supposed to be keeping order in the clinic and make sure shit like you freaking out, or people flying into doors shoud not be in the drop room taking a snooze. Its not nap time, its work time. You sit on your ass for at the most 6 hours a day, and most days only about 4 and watch people stand in line and calm down arguements. You don't need a fucking nap during work. Its not like you are really doing much. You are certanly there when people who aren't doing anything wrong have been in the building 3 mins after dosing and kicking them out, but when people get out of control its nap time? Oh, one more thing, all you people who are handing out doses, aren't you supposed to be nurses? I've personally witnessed and one time actually have been the person who has a seizure or something in the clinic and you just stand there totally confused like you don't know what to do. Did you leave to get snacks during that part of nursing school too? Its pretty bad when other clients in the clinic take better care of them than the people who are supposed to be medically trained. And the doctor too, when I ask you a medical question, you shouldn't stare at me like an idiot. I don't want to hear you tell me to ask my family doctor. Aren't you a doctor? I know when you look at that long ass line out there all you see is a huge pile of money, but come on, you've got to know something. And if I started talking about some of the therapists there. You shouldn't be out in the lobby making sure that I, and only me, aren't in the clinic after I dose. First of all what about the other 6 people that are here waiting for a ride or someone else? Why do only I have to go? And another thing, how do you have all this time to troll the lobby for me. Don't you have come counselling to do? Isn't that your job? I'll tell you what isn't your job though, assuming you know things anf then telling my business to someone else. You had NO idea what was happening to me the day the ambulance came to get me. To tell people I ODed was plain wrong. And then when I file a griveance you call me in your office to tell me that pretty much you lied your way out of getting in trouble and HAHA you can't do anything about it. And making people do stupid things, like carry a pen for a week and if they lose it punish them because they don't have enough responsiblity. Just stop. You think you are awesome and you aren't. Some people do not belong in settings like the methadone clinic, you are one of them. You look at us like you are better because you were never a junkie. Well I'd rather be a junkie than a judgemental asshole any day of the week.....

Well that wasn't as good or as funny as I'd hoped but it got some anger out. I promise better things later.....

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